Hot Lunch Deliveries
We deliver a freshly cooked, two course lunch to our lunch club and men's group attendees when they can't make it to our centre, and to other members of the community too.
£7.50 for two delicious courses
Freshly cooked each weekday
5 star food hygiene rating from Gateshead Council
Delivered hot to your door, ready to eat
Free delivery
We Deliver Every Weekday Lunchtime
Meadowcroft Mews
Central Gateshead
Lobley Hill
Lobley Hill

To book your two-course lunch, please call us by 1pm on Fridays for the following week.
0191 460 02 97
We collect payment on delivery.
Every meal ordered helps to support our charity to help older people in the area to stay connected.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I find out what the menu is for the week ahead?
Please do not hesitate to call us on 0191 460 0297 and we'll be happy to share our menu with you.
Are the hot meal deliveries for people who attend your lunch clubs and men's groups?
Whilst some of the meals we deliver are to local older people who attend our centre, the majority of our meal deliveries are to people who do not attend our groups. Everyone who receives a hot meal delivery must live in the area we can deliver to, which is listed above. By ordering a hot meal delivery, people are supporting our charity to keep our services going for the benefit of local older people.