Day centres are community venues where activities, hot meals, companionship and care are provided under one, accessible roof. Some centres provide personal care and social care for adults with disabilities, others specialise in a specific health condition such as dementia for example, whilst others cater for older people.
Research shows that there are so many benefits of attending a day centre. We share 8 benefits of day centres for older people, and why they’re so important for all involved:-
Staying connected - making friends, sharing stories, being included and feeling valued
Better access to services - breaking down barriers and getting the support that people need to lead happy, healthy lives
Reduced worry - peace of mind and feelings of safety and confidence
Better health and well-being - improved mental and physical health
Independence - feeling safe and resilient, and continuing to live at home
Happiness - great experiences, creating memories, and feeling a sense of fulfilment.
Nutrition - hot, healthy meals shared with others
Benefits to volunteers - being part of something special, learning new skills and having great experiences.

Staying Connected
Loneliness is recognised as a significant factor contributing to the decline in health among elderly individuals, leading to adverse effects on their quality of life and overall well-being.
Day centers play a key role in fostering regular social interactions and nurturing strong bonds that greatly contribute to individuals' health and well-being.
83% of Teams and Bensham Community Care's beneficiaries told us of their increased confidence from regular interaction. (Social Value Business)

Quite often, simply taking the time to listen has the greatest impact. Attendees tell us that they value being heard by people of similar ages and with similar experiences, as well as by our team.
Regular chats really help our team spot any issues quickly. When we build trust and strong relationships, our members know we care about them. With their trust, we can easily guide them to extra support if they need it.
Beneficiaries of Teams and Bensham Community Care describe the supportive community and social aspects of the service as being of most value to them. One the surface, this is related to enjoyment and ‘getting out of the house’ yet scientifically, social engagement and a supportive community is also one of the greatest contributors to avoid loneliness. Therefore, the social aspects of an intervention, particularly for this client group, are often the most beneficial. (Social Value Business)
Day Centres have proven benefits for carers too. Carers UK found that 8 out of 10 carers have felt lonely and disconnected. Day centres can help lighten the load for caregivers, giving them the opportunity to engage in social and self-care activities that they previously didn't have time for. They get a vital break from their caring responsibilities, which has a significant impact on overall health and well-being.
Evidence suggests that Teams and Bensham Community Care have been key in creating a sense of community for many people and 92% told us that the charity helped them to feel less lonely and better able to cope with situations (Social Value Business)
Better Access to Services
Day centres encourage access to services in many ways. Our centre, for example, provides social care which is usually the first type of support an older person might access. As a preventative service, it’s often the most important, as it can delay the need for greater levels of care.
From this initial step, individuals are more inclined to accept and even actively pursue additional opportunities that focus on prevention and foster a supportive social network.
Without experiencing the benefits of attending our day centre, beneficiaries tell us they may never have engaged with any services at all.
Attendees discussed their increased confidence, self-esteem and ‘positivity’ in different ways, and for many, this led to further motivation to engage. (Social Value Business)

Another way that day centres help with access to services, is community transport. Many centres have their own transport, such as an accessible door-to-door minibus service from home and back again. Such transport is often the key ingredient that can change a vulnerable person’s life who would otherwise be unable to travel to an activity or centre, even if it is close by.
Clients told us that the transport provided by Teams and Bensham Community Care enables them to attend activities at the centre and without it, they wouldn’t leave the house, sometimes for weeks. (Social Value Business)
Reduced Worry
Changes in our circumstances, health, or our ability to maintain our usual routines can ause us to feel anxious or low. Day centres have such a positive impact on mental health, that many people who suffer from anxiety and worry, can quickly begin to feel some relief of their symptoms.
84% of customers feel less anxious, and of these, 91% go on to experience better health. (Social Value Business)
Better Health and Well-being
Many older people who attend day centres take part in activities such as games, quizzes, arts and crafts, celebrations, short courses and music and memory projects. Whilst the main aim of these activities at is to ensure everyone has a positive, enjoyable day, there are other benefits too.
Memory project for example help to bring a sense of nostalgia and encourages the telling of stories from the memories that arise. This provides comfort, particularly to participants who are experiencing memory loss. Many attendees with memory loss find it difficult to recall information from their short term memory but gain a great sense of control and relaxation from singing songs from the past and talking about their life stories.

Creative pursuits have proven benefits to fine motor skills, relaxation, coordination, expression and skills building.
When talking about activities, attendees describe it as keeping the brain active and they can often lead to people taking up new hobbies at home as a result of trying them at the centre.
75 of attendees feel they are keeping their mind more active which has a number of benefits to mental health and well-being. (Social Value Business)
Of the people that we consulted, 84% told us that the support at our day centre enabled them to live more independently. Some associated this with the feeling of coping, others discussed the reduced ‘burden' on family, and most expressed that without the services, they would not be able to manage and would therefore have to move into sheltered accommodation, which would restrict their choices.
As we get older, we can experience a greater fear of various risks. We become more aware of our vulnerabilities which can cause us to lose confidence and become anxious or feeling low.
Our research shows that the most significant change experienced by those who attend our lunch clubs is that of increased happiness. This leads to further positive changes for older people. Having something to look forward to each week is key to well-being, and the routine and structure that day centres can offer has a great impact on positivity and motivation.
100% of beneficiaries & volunteers disclosed feeling happier in themselves for coming to the Teams and Bensham Community Care day centre. They enjoy seeing the team and their friends and taking part in activities. (Social Value Business)
Increased confidence leads to increased happiness, well-being, hope and motivation. The ripple effect of this is that customers feel less vulnerable and more resilient, and they begin to build a strong support and social network which adds to feelings of safety and the ability to cope.
Confidence makes people more optimistic about their situation & future too.
In our social impact research last year, we found that our lunch club attendees made improvements in diet. This was due to older people accessing a freshly cooked meal and being supported to manage their diet at home.

Our beneficiaries help to design our menus, and the traditional, hearty meals are most popular (mince and dumplings for instance, followed by a home made rice pudding!). Such meals are comforting, and with freshly baked goods to take home too, people are well catered for.
Benefits for Volunteers
Many day centres are blessed with the dedication and regular commitment of volunteers to. People volunteer to give back to the community, connect with others, or to gain experience in health and social care for example.
Teams and Bensham Community Care welcomes volunteers every weekday to the charity, and the research shows how quickly volunteers can experience positive changes to well-being as a result. Volunteering is a great way to meet new people, learn new skills and we always provide a reference for any volunteer who is moving on to another volunteer opportunity or paid employment elsewhere.
The Teams and Bensham Community Care volunteers’ purpose relates to enjoyment, reduced isolation, community connection and being useful.(Social Value Business)
More Information about Day Centres
When is it time to consider a day centre?
The best time to consider a day centre, is when you wish to join one! They are ideal places to meet new people, make friends, enjoy a hot meal in the company of others and have a great day out. Many people who join us at our groups contact us themselves after seeing our leaflets or after hearing about the fantastic day out their neighbour has just had and they want to come along too.
Sometimes our lunch clubs are recommended, for many different reasons, and at different times for different people. Recommendations might come from a health professional such as an occupational therapist, GP, community nurse or specialist, or from a support worker. Some examples of the many situations in which a day centre for older people might be recommended are:-
to give respite to a carer of an older person
when an older person is newly diagnosed with a health condition that makes it more difficult to go out and socialise or access services independently
when isolation and loneliness are identified
What makes a good day centre?
Lots of ingredients are needed for the perfect day centre. Here are the important requirements that will ensure that you are guaranteed a great day:-
Easy to contact and join
A warm welcome from staff and other attendees
A caring, friendly and knowledgeable team that you can talk to, and feel comfortable with
Feeling included in activities and conversation
A range of activities that you enjoy
Accessible, clean facilities
Good food
Transport from home and back again
Lots of laughter and decent biscuits to enjoy with your cuppa before lunch!
What questions should you ask a day centre provider?
Before joining a day centre, it's good to have some questions ready to help you to decide which one is right for you and your circumstances. Here are some examples of the types of questions you might want to ask a day centre provider...
What is the eligibility criteria? Different centres cater for different age groups, health conditions or geographical area for example.
Does the team provide personal care?
Can I have a meal delivered if I can't make it to the centre one week?
What safety measures are in place?
What activities are available?
What are the days that I can attend?
What is on the menu?
Is transport provided in my area?
In Summary
The benefits of attending a day centre are far reaching and can make a lasting difference to many areas of a persons life. It can transform feelings of isolation into feelings of being well connected and supported, and can alleviate low mood, anxiety and depression into feelings of happiness, fulfilment and positivity. It can be a catalyst for change too, by opening the way to further opportunities to engage in activities and services that can lead to even greater health and well-being outcomes. Carers feel more supported, and volunteers can thrive.
If you or someone you know would like more information about the Teams and Bensham Community Care day centres, we're always happy to answer any questions, arrange a home visit or to help in any other way that we can. Call the team on 0191 4600297, or book a priority call back.